Family Worship

Family Worship

What is Family Worship? 

Simply put, Family Worship is a daily time together that creates a pattern and practice of putting God at the centre of our homes! Both Scripture and church history show us the importance of intentionally honouring and passing on the ways of the Lord in our homes. 

Family Worship:

  • Consists of reading God's word, praying, and singing together as a family. 
  • Is for all families—whether you're a newlywed couple, empty nesters, or a family the size of a football team! 
  • Can be as short as 5-10 minutes. The goal is to establish a foundation and daily practice to build upon.

Why Family Worship? 

As Christians, we know we should spend time praying, reading, and worshipping as a family. But sometimes it's discouraging when we find it hard to get into a daily rhythm and practice.

Underneath it all, we desire to see our spouses and kids thrive in their faith. The way we structure our homes and the things that capture our attention are building a foundation for our families in profoundly important ways. 

How To Get Started 

The stage of your family and the age of your children (if you have them) will impact what these times will look like. The Family Worship Guide provides an in-depth look at how to Read, Pray, and Sing can be practiced.


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