March 31, 2024

1. Give:
Giving cheerfully and sacrificially of our finances is part of our worship. We have giving stations in the lobby after the gathering or you can give here.
2. New:
If you are new, we want to extend you a warm welcome! You're invited to attend Welcome to Westside—a place to meet other newcomers and get connected. We meet at the Level 3 lobby every Sunday right after each gathering.
3. Spring Classes
If you're looking for more ways to get connected and grow in faith we have new classes and events starting in April. Learn more here.
4. Alisa Childers Conference:
Many people are walking away from genuine faith in Jesus as the values of our culture take precedence over the authority of God’s word. We're hosting a conference with apologist and author, Alisa Childers, this July so you can get equipped and learn how to defend your faith when loved ones dismantle Christian beliefs and deconvert. Get your tickets here.